My hopes for the festive season and 2024

There are good reasons to smile, give thanks and have hope this festive season, despite the challenges we see daily in the news and social media.

One of the things that sustains my hope draws directly from my experience as a professional communicator and storyteller.

Of course, as communication professionals we frequently encounter leaders and organisations in their most challenging moments.

Mistakes have been made. Systems have failed. Harm has occurred.

But we also help leaders and organisations prepare for and potentially avoid such challenges. And if an issue or crisis does hit, we provide support to navigate the disruption, return to normal operations, and restore relationships with employees, clients/patients and stakeholders.

The two simplest yet most powerful steps to help create connection between people – with the potential to help foster greater understanding and trust, and support change – are listening and storytelling.

Humanity could benefit from more of both these things, and at all levels. Global. National. Local.

Less shouting to judge, blame and cancel.

More listening to understand, learn and find common ground.

More sharing stories about how we can work together to create a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.

The stories we tell about ourselves, our organisations (including the stories of our people, clients/patients and stakeholders) and our communities, help create connections between people and shape how we see and do things.

All of this inspires hope because listening and storytelling are freely available to us all.

That gives each of us the power to influence change for the good.

And that’s at the heart of my Christmas wish for our communities and our world. It’s also an evergreen New Year’s resolution, to continue doing my part to make a difference.

Thank you to our clients and associates for your ongoing trust and collaboration – I value our connection and the opportunity to contribute toward your goals.

Have a safe and enjoyable festive season with family and friends, and I hope the New Year brings health, happiness and meaningful work.

We’re taking a break through to 8 January. Look forward to seeing you in 2024!

Best wishes

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Mairi Barton is a strategic communication and public affairs leader who has influenced and delivered outcomes at the highest levels of the Australian corporate, government and non-profit sectors. Mairi is the founder and Chief Executive of strategic communication agency Pinch Yourself Communication. She is an award-winning former journalist who served in the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery in Canberra. Mairi enjoys photography and posts to her Instagram gallery: @pinchmyself